hokkaido new farmers 北海道新农民团
hokkaido new farmer study tour 20140128-0210
I invited my farming life teachers; Six New Farmers from Hokkaido, Japan to observe and participate in the farming life of Lashihai, including traditional ceremonies, animal slaughtering and living together with animals. These practices had died out with the growth of material wealth brought with economic development, even in the Japanese countryside. Here in Lashihai, we were all excited about traditional practices, but at the same time, we recognize it as a time of change and shift in this culture, again coinciding with the economic growth of China. We will bring back what we learned to Hokkaido to develop some work together with Lijiang studio this summer... on going research practice of global new farmers. More soon
Mai Takahashi
“红型” 一种传统的手工染色工艺。十八世纪流传于日本本土以南的岛屿--冲绳的传统印染工艺。当时主要用于王室贵族的礼服面料。"红型"指的是一种染的手法。"红"在日文里是彩色之意,也就是多采多姿,其用色大胆艳丽。 “型染”工艺:使用型纸镂刻花纹图案,再将刻制完成的型版覆于染布上,并于其上刮印防染糊,待所刮印的糊料干固后即成为防染层,再将染布浸染染料,染后除去糊料,现出图底明显的传统图案和鲜艳的色彩。
Mai Takahashi
Her work is expressed with Bingata; the Okinawan traditional dyeing technique. She lives and works in nature and grows vegetables; which gives her inspiration for designing motifs for her paper patterns by close observation of plants and animals. Currently she is researching and working on stencil techniques.
"Bingata" is the resist dyeing technique characterized by the use of a traditional designed paper pattern and vivid colors. It was developed in 18th century Okinawa; a Southern island chain far away from the Japanese mainland. At the time, the fabric was used for the costumes of royalty and aristocracy. Resist glue is made with glutinous rice and bran.
「紅型(びんがた)」とは 十八世紀頃から日本本土より遥か南の島である沖縄で発達した型染めの技法。当時は主に、王族や貴族の衣装だった。型紙を使い、餅米とぬかでできた糊で防染し伝統的な模様を色鮮やかに染め上げる。
Takuma Seiji
Takuma Seiji
I make sculptures, though I haven't finished so many. As yet, I have no better words to explain the concept of sculpture. However, I often find myself coming across the crucial moment of difference between more than 2 things. Different materials are chosen for each approach to sculpture. The sizes also vary, though often limited by the working environment and the installation spaces.
I moved. I had an opportunity to live in the countryside, so I decided to go for it, as up to that point I had only lived in the big city. Through communication and meetings with locals in the past three years, I have been working on the editorial process of existing local history in collaboration with several other people —a process of listening to the old knowledge.
わたしは彫刻を作っています。仕上げた数は決して多くありません。どのような考えで彫刻を拵えているのか明らかにできる言葉をまだ持ち合わせていません。 それでも、2つ以上のものの間の違いを肝要とする場面によく出会います。彫刻に使う材料はその都度アイデアに合うものを見つくろうので、扱う素材はさまざ まです。大きさについても基本的にアイデアとのマッチングを考慮して決めるのですが、制作環境や設置空間に制約されることも少なくありません。
わたしは引っ越しました。それまで都市部でしか暮らしことのないわたしは農村へ移り住む機会を得て、ほどなく転居を決めました。三年余り経ちます。そのあ いだに知り合った人たちと関わりながら、この集落の昔を知る人たちの話に耳を傾け、既にある地域史を補う作業に複数名共同で取り組んでいます。
Nagata Masayuki
Masayuki Nagata
1952, colony of Japan! I was born and raised in Hokkaido. I studied architecture at the University of Tokyo. Then enrolled five years on a farm as such in charge of livestock breeding in 1974, participated in the launch "meeting of the egg (consumer self-sufficiency farm movement)" and, also, as the staff of the farm construction. Then, through a design office work of Tokyo, 1984, moved to Hokkaido independence. Architect: set the base of Sapporo (population 2 million) to the "edge". I've been living and amused in the region nor in the countryside in the city. And run the "lessons of the course, No-teki living" "NPO Blue Bird" presided over. Are interested in a form to create and maintain a work in personnel structure, including the family other than your own or your own, and a place for that. With the economic growth of recent years, we have spread rapid transformation (family, community) life of the unit as a component of society especially people's lives is strong in a familiar place in Japan. People and rejoice "become rich" is also said to be the mainstream of society On the surface, it is many. But depending on how you look at it, it is a very dangerous era (toward the cliff) to rip hysterically anyone of the parties not responsible (involving the members front of the society), including such general public been demonstrated I am perceived to be, I think including the support of then, took place in 2011 , particularly "the Great East Japan Earthquake, nuclear accident" and has become a symbol "poor - terrible" state-of-the-art unfortunately.
I think we, and are under pressure to take action specific to continue to devise and Configuration their own personal belongings = living units seek richness from the richness and "down" a little bit different if you dare say. Shi method there are various factors that is also what is needed there, I feel that kana "taking a lesson from the past" has been as a basso continuo.
我们每个人大概毫无遗漏地是父母的期待和自己的志向选择了大学,来到了东京。但是,随着时间的流逝,享受东京的繁华已过,如果没有上升的志向,没有勤勉努力的人格,陷入狭窄的土地房屋和拥挤的人群中,以有无金钱来衡量人的价值的大都市如何培养孩子们呢?为此我离开了东京。另一方面,我个人认为,1973年到74年间的日本第一次石油冲击让我觉醒,开始重新思考“一次性”时代的问题。饮食质量低下的社会问题的出现,开始质问社会的整体富裕。就在那时参加了成立 “蛋之会”的农场建设工作,与同行一起愉快地在田间劳作以及体会实践加工作业的快乐。
Haruko Nagata
Among good company, the University of Tokyo-oriented to their own values and heritage. Before long, but past the age to be able to enjoy the pomp of Tokyo, as long as it is not a personality that can make an effort every day keenness upward mobility sticks to the body, big city the value of a human being scaled without the crowds and land and houses, the narrow money in and to their children? Left Tokyo for these main reasons. On the other hand, personally, waking up to the first oil shock in Japan in 1973-4, beginning to rethink the disposable era, reduced quality of food became a social problem and led me to begin rethinking the quality of richness in society as a whole. Was born at that time, you can participate in farm construction "meeting of egg", and was enjoying the practice and process of making a crop in the field with my peers. In Hokkaido / Sapporo, my motto is "living life-size". Meaning enough say even for a ideological, himself, and do not toll of somewhere, someone a lot of work such as dirty, labor required for living. I think there is at the bottom, you do not want to suppress anyone, and let alone that do not want to be suppressed by anyone. That is why, basically came to the "agricultural basis living". The Often, it looks so happily, it's interesting and fun, but in fact, it is envy as "luxury living" in many cases. Roughly 40 years From a Tokyo era. Open the "or goat" café 10 years ago, I have been utilizing the agriculture-specific products.
In Yunnan we can distribute picture postcards of our work practice in Sapporo in particular, such as;
- goat cheese making
- wool sweater making
- processing of pork
- use of wheat: and bread baked in wood-fired kettle
- whole picture and goats
Wataru Shimojima
Grew up in Tokyo, the capital of Japan (i don't like tokyo) Learned agriculture at the University in Hokkaido. Moved to the country side of Hokkaido called town Rankoshi, started organic non chemical agriculture.
Farming research leader of an experimental organic farm of a large restaurant chain for a while.
Lectured at the farming lessons at a school teaching self sufficient life for city people. Director of "Re-establish the acidic mountain" nature project.
I am good at growing different types of vegetable with organic non chemical
farming. I love agricultural work, mountains, forests and plants as well
as living in the countryside. I am looking forward to visit Yunnan, China;
it is my daughter's and my first trip to China.
下島 亘
日本の首都 東京で育つ。(東京は嫌い。) 北海道の大学で農業を学ぶ。北海道の田舎、蘭越町に移住して有機無農薬栽培の農業を始める。レストランチェーンを全国展開する企業で、有機農産物をレストランメニューに導入する。ための実験農場開設に携わり、農場長を務める。都市の人に自給的な暮らし方を教える学校「農的くらしのレッスン」の講師。「硫酸山自然再生プロジェクト」主宰。私は、有機無農薬栽培でさまざまな野菜を育てることが得意です。私は農業が大好きです。山や森や植物が大好きです。田舎で暮らすことがとても好きです。私も娘も、はじめての中国、はじめての雲南、とても楽しみにしています。
Wheat Shimojima
Born in Hokkaido, 1998.
I'm into Chimachima and theater since around 2011
I am like ordinary junior high school students, and drawing is my favorite thing right now.
1998年、北海道生まれ 2011年くらいから演劇をちまちまと 2014年現在はふつうの中学生です、絵をかくのが好きです。